Titel:Antwort von Nir J.Shaviv zu "Spekulation zum Einfluss der kosmischen Strahlung auf das Klima wissenschaftlich nicht haltbar"
Link:Celestial Driver of Phanerozoic Climate?
Details1:Antwort von Nir J.Shaviv zu "Spekulation zum Einfluss der kosmischen Strahlung auf das Klima wissenschaftlich nicht haltbar" im Diskussionsforum climatesceptics bei Yahoo am 27.10.2003

From: Nir J.Shaviv
Date: Mon Oct 27, 2003 7:34 pm
Subject: Re: Wissenschaft nicht haltbar

This attack is quite bewildering for many obvious reasons. If they were
really serious, they would have published an article in the scientific
press and would have done so in English, so that I could properly
address it. Moreover, they would have also properly read _all_ the
papers Jan and I wrote on the topic. They didn't.

For example, they write that the CRF reconstruction is based only on 42
meteorites and therefore not meaningful. If they would have read the
New Astronomy paper, which details the analyses, they would have found
out that
a) The analysis is based on 50 meteorites (it's minor point, but just
shows their lack of seriousness).
b) The statistical significance of the periodic signal is high.
c) A skeptic could dismiss the meteoritic data altogether yet still
reach the same conclusions... that the cosmic ray flux was variable
with the same phase and period as the ice-age epochs. This is because
the astronomical data on the pattern speed of the spiral arms can be
independently used to derive the periodicity and phase of the cosmic
ray flux signal.

In any case, I could easily refute each one of the specific claims they raise, but I see no point in doing so here.

-- Nir Shaviv


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