Titel:27.01.2005: Apocalypse No - Assessing catastrophic climate change
A Scientific Alliance Conference

Thursday 27th January 2005

9.00 until 13.00, followed by lunch until 14.00

Central London Venue

Limited Number of Complimentary Tickets Available (see below)

Speakers include:

§ Professor David Bellamy

§ Professor S. Fred Singer, President, Science and Environmental Policy Project

§ Professor Richard S. Lindzen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

§ Conference Chair: Professor Sir Colin Berry, Queen Mary, University of London

The conference, featuring leading experts on climate change issues, will raise awareness about the scientific uncertainties surrounding climate change theory. It will also address a number of questions concerning scenarios of catastrophic climate change including:

§ Are extreme weather events on the increase due to global warming?

§ Are the world's glaciers melting?

§ Is Europe facing a new ice age due to global warming?

§ Will rising sea levels flood parts of Britain?

§ Will global agriculture suffer because of global warming?

Apocalypse No will be taking place in advance of the Met Office’s Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research conference; Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change: A Scientific Symposium on Stabilisation of Greenhouse Gases, from 1-3 February. Tony Blair has promised the Met Office conference “will address the big questions on which we need to pool the answers available from the science”. We hope that our event will help ensure that no questions or answers are overlooked or unwisely assumed.

Attendance Fees:

§ Corporate: £75 + VAT (£88.13)

§ Public Sector / NGO: £50 + VAT (£58.75)

§ Scientific Alliance members’ rate: £25 + VAT (£29.38)

We have a limited number of complimentary tickets available for this conference. If you would like to apply for one, please reply to this email, stating:

§ Your Name

§ Your Position and Organisation (if applicable)

§ Whether you wish to stay for lunch (if so, please state any special dietary requirements)

Do bear in mind that numbers are limited and complimentary tickets will be allocated on a first come, first served basis; early registration is therefore advised. If we receive your response after all the complimentary tickets have been allocated, you will be offered the opportunity to register for the conference as a paying participant.

A confirmation email will be sent to you before the event, with full details including the detailed agenda and directions to the venue.

Yours sincerely,

Mark Adams


Scientific Alliance

Dr Benny Peiser

Liverpool John Moores University

Scientific Alliance Advisory Forum
Professor S. Fred Singer


The Science & Environmental Policy Project

(Conference Organising Committee)



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If the facts change, I'll change my opinion.
What do you
do, Sir?

(John Maynard Keynes)

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